Jehuda-Loeb Kohen-Zedek

Poland, Schlesien, Zuelz
Poland, Schlesien, Langendorf
FatherJosef HaKohen (1665 – )


Jesaya, Schaye Nothmann (1739 – 08.10.1815)

Joel Loebel Cohn (1743 – 1832)

Jacob Hirschel Katz (1745 – 07.03.1821)

Fabian-Feibusch Gassmann (1750 – 22.02.1809)


According to Mike Liebermann "Jehuda Loebl KOHEN-ZEDEK was born in Jul[y] 1718 in Zuelz, and died in 1775 in Langendorf." Friedrich Nothmann says he moved with his 4 sons from Zuelz to Langendorf some time after the Seven Year War (1756-1763). Both sources name his four sons.

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Extracts from an article
by Bernhard Brilling in
Juedische Familien-Forschung,
September 1928

A list of Jewish householders and their Jewish tenants in Zuelz in the early 18th century includes, at house no. 115: "Loebel Zodek (hebr. Name: Jehudo Lieb ben Zadik)".

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Extracts from the 1814 announcement of naturalised Jews in Silesia

Jehuda-Loeb's four sons were the first members of his family to adopt surnames; this became a legal requirement of Silesian Jews during 1790-1794 and was followed by an grant of citizenship in 1812. JewishGen's GerSIG Name Adoption List Index (NALDEX) records the following heads of their respective households whose surnames correspond to one of those taken by Jehuda-Loeb's sons and whose records cite Langendorf:

Jacob Cohnpage 7, no. 524
Eva Gassmann, widowpage 14, no. 1088
Loebel Gassmannpage 14, no. 1089
Hirschel Loebel Katzpage 22, no.1733
Jacob Kohn Note 1page 23, no. 1812
Loebel Nathan Kohn Note 1page 23, no. 1819
Joseph Nothmannpage 31, no. 2505
Samuel Schaye Nothmannpage 31, no. 2506
Schaye Nothmannpage 31, no. 2507

Note 1: Jacob Kohn (no. 1812) and Loebel Nathan Kohn (no. 1819) are probably unrelated to my family. Their entries in the NALDEX places them respectively in "Fuerstl. Langendorf" and "Langendorf", both in kreis Leobschuetz, which would be some 45 miles from my family's Langendorf, kreis Tost.

It is striking that only one head of household from Langendorf registered under the name Katz, and this was a grandson of Jehuda-Loeb. It is possible that Jacob Hirschel Katz used the surname Cohn rather that Katz, (his grandson Loebel Katz is recorded as using the alias Cohn). On this basis, it is possible that Jacob Cohn (no. 524) is a descendant of either Joel Loebel Cohn or Jacob Hirschel Katz.

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Pless family record, 1830s
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Gleiwitz movement record, 1844

A Jacob Cohn, with the family number 524, appears in the Pless family register with data showing Jacob's arrival there in 1832 with papers from Guttentag and subsequently an Attest from the magistrate of Nicolai, as well as the family's departure in 1839 for Radoschau (O/S), Beuthen. The Pless record gives Jacob's date of birth as 03.01.1810, making him a contemporary of Jehuda-Loeb's great grandchildren and probably a grandchild of the namesake registered in Langendorf. The same family appears in a JRI-Poland record of their move from Preiswitz to Nicolai in 1844. I have found nothing to link this Jacob Cohn to my family apart from his ancestor's registration in Langendorf.

My 6 x great grandfather.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mike Liebermann's webpage;
Sonja Delander: Nothmann Chronicle, 1974;
Friedrich Nothmann: Die Geschichte der Familie Nothmann, 1939 page 110 (also page 135: family numbers); - John H. Richter collection: Juedische Familien-Forschung September 1928; (left page) and (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records, 1844; - Pless family register;
Thanks to Richard Wegener for information used in this page.

This record was last updated on 19.01.2025 at 19:14.