Loebel Katz
| Notes Aged 28 years when he married in 1818 so born 1789-90. Loebel's marriage record names him as Loebel Cohn and his father as Hirschel Katz. A leather trader (1819); baker (1823); resident (1821, 1825 and 1830); baker (1823); trader (1827); in Langendorf throughout this period. JRI-Poland records the family's move from Tost to Gross Strehlitz in November 1830. These records refer to the family as "KATZ/COHN" and identify Loebel's father as Hirschel Loebel Katz (the original record names the head of the family as "Loebel Katz al[ias] Cohn"). Separate JRI-Poland records of his children's births give the surname Cohn. A death certificate for an unmarried Goldine Cohn names her parents as Loebel Cohn and Rosalie Bloch; the latter likely equating to Sprinze Bloch; this Goldine was born in Kadlub and her death was reported by Michaelis Namm. A Cilly Cohn geb. Namm reported the death of Dorothea Namm geb. Cohn, wife of Michaelis Namm, also born in Kadlub and daughter of Loebel Cohn and Handel Loch. Sources (click here for generic source information) Mara Thorson; JRI-Poland; familysearch.org (left page) and familysearch.org (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records. |
This record was last updated on 08.10.2023 at 18:12.