Fabian-Feibusch Gassmann

Poland, Schlesien, Zuelz
Poland, Schlesien, Langendorf
FatherJehuda-Loeb Kohen-Zedek (--.07.1718 – 1775)
PartnerEva (ca 1750 – )


Loebel (Jehuda, Lieb) Gassmann (1778-87 – 31.05.1861)

Eva Gassmann (ca 1780 – )

Gassmann (ca 1780 – )

Hanschel Gassmann (ca 1785 – )

Jacob Gassmann (ca 1790 – )

Ernestine (Ester) Gassmann (ca 1790 – )


A member of the first generation of this family to adopt surnames, he and his three brothers each adopted a different surname (Gassmann, Nothmann, Katz and Cohn). He is therefore the presumed ancestor of all Gassmann lines originating in the vicinity of Langendorf.

His gravestone, seen in the early twentieth century, reportedly bore the inscription:
"Hier ruht ein wahrhaft frommer und gerechter Mann, der ehrwuerdige Phoebus Gassmann, Kohen Zedak, - gesegnet sei sein Andenken - gestorben und beerdigt in guten Namen am 6. Adar 5569 (1809)

Er bracht den Hungrigen das Brot und teilte mit ihnen das Seine. Er wandelte den geraden Weg der Rechtschaffenen; seinen Namen preisen alle Gerechten. Er heilt die Gebote der heiligen Tora und befolgte ihre Lehren. Trefflich waren die Wege, die er seinen Kindern vorzeichnet. Redlich und gerecht war er in der Gemeinde, er mied das Boese und half bei jedem gottesfuerchtigen Werk. und barmherzig sorgte er fuer die Armen und troestete die Herzen der Bedrueckten.

Moege seine Seele ausruhen! Das Los der Gerechten werde ihr zu Teil!"
"Here lies a truly pious and righteous man, the venerable Phoebus Gassmann, Kohen Zedak, - blessed be his memory - died and buried in good repute on 6. Adar 5569 (1809).

He brought bread to the hungry and shared with them his own. He walked the straight path of the righteous, praise his name all the righteous. He kept the commandments of the holy Torah and followed its teachings. Excellent were the ways he has marked out for his children. He was honest and fair in the community, he avoided the evil and helped with every righteous work, and mercifully he cared for the poor and comforted the hearts of the oppressed.

May his soul rest! You will have a share in the lot of the righteous!"

My 5 x great grandfather.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.