Samuel Schaya Nothmann

FatherJesaya, Schaye Nothmann (1739 – 08.10.1815)
MotherJettel (ca 1745 – 1826)
PartnerMagdalene (Mathilde, Matel) Cohn (24.04.1773 – 02.12.1857)



Isaac Samuel Nothmann (--.09.1805 – 11.03.1860)

Hirschel (Zvi) Nothmann (14.02.1807 – 13.09.1881)

Salomon Nothmann (26.01.1814 – 10.07.1906)

Rosalie Nothmann (1815 – )

Jette Nothmann (1815 – )

Marie (Miriam) Nothmann (ca 1820 – 27.06.1851)


The "Nothmann Chronicle" says he moved to Gleiwitz and died in Myslowitz in 1851, Mike Liebermann says he died on 8 May 1852 in Langendorf.

His dates are in question: "Geschichte Nothmann" says he died aged 84 years.

Image missing
Family movement record

In July 1815 Samuel Schayer and his family moved from Tost. The record of this move gives the family number as 2506, names his wife, Magdalena geb. Cohn, and children:
1. Isaac;
2. Hirschel;
3. Salomon;
4. Rosel;
5. Jette.

If, as appears to be the case, the enumeration of the children is chronological, then Rosalie and Jette must have been born in late 1814 or the first half of 1815; they were probably twins. Jette doesn't appear in any other JRI-Poland record, so she may have died in infancy.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mara Thorson;
Felix Auerbach's 1905 Silbergliet - Nothmann tree;
Mike Liebermann's webpage;
Sonja Delander: Nothmann Chronicle, 1974; (left page) and (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records;
Friedrich Nothmann: Die Geschichte der Familie Nothmann, 1939 page 200.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.