Sonja Selma Nothmann
| Notes Sonja is the author of the Nothmann Chronicle; on page 10 (page 12 of the PDF) she identifies her parents as Herbert (b. 1891) and Irma geb. Wolfson (b.1893). "Sonja Delander (nee Nothmann) was born in Germany, living in Berlin from 1921. Her parents sent her to Palestine in 1936 and she joined the British Army there in 1942. She was with the British Army in Egypt from 1943-1945. Her younger sister was sent to England in 1939 but her parents were sent to Theresiestadt and then to Auschwitz. Mrs Delander met her husband in Cairo in 1945 and they married in 1947. She has a child and grandchildren." - Gilliam, Elizabeth (1991). [Sonja Delander, family, friends and documents]. Sonja and Helmut shortened their surname to Delander from Deutschlaender. Sources (click here for generic source information) Sonja Delander: Nothmann Chronicle, 1974, pages 10-13 - autobiographical notes; - emigrations; - biographical notes in Gilliam, Elizabeth (1991). [Sonja Delander, family, friends and documents]; - date of death, citing an article in Australian Rationalist, The, No. 85, Autumn/Winter 2010: 29-30; - minutes of December 2009 noting her death. |
This record was last updated on 27.04.2024 at 21:56.