Herrmann (Zvi) Halberstaedter

Poland, Schlesien, Militsch
Poland, Schlesien, Beuthen
FatherLouis (Eliezer) Halberstaedter (08.12.1803 – 07.03.1869)
MotherJohanna Landsberg (03.12.1803 – 26.12.1882)
PartnerHenriette Prager (02.01.1838 – 26.06.1895)

Married 13.09.1860 Poland, Schlesien, Militsch


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Photo credit: Małgorzata Płoszaj.

Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter)’s "Louis Halberstaedter" notes;
A wedding ribbon commemorating the marriage passed to Max Halberstaedter and was donated to the Jewish Museum, Berlin, after his death.


Bruno Halberstaedter (03.09.1861 – 25.05.1926)

Ernst Wolfgang Halberstaedter (15.02.1863 – 28.02.1940)

Gertrud Halberstaedter (1864 – 17.09.1876)

Georg Halberstaedter (06.11.1867 – 31.07.1934)

Ludwig Halberstaedter (09.12.1876 – 20.04.1949)


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His birth in Militsch is deduced from the fact that his father appears to have lived there until at least his early 60s, and is confirmed by his death certificate.

Herrmann's son Ernst's marriage certificate states that Ernst was born in Militsch and that Herrmann had died in Beuthen before Ernst's marriage (05.04.1892).

Herrmann's death certificate gives his age as 52 years 1 month, indicating a birth date in February 1828. However, his September 1860 marriage record gives his age as 33 years which puts his birth between September 1825 and September 1826. Fred Halbers, Herrmann's grandson, gives his date of birth as 22.01.1826.

Advertisements in local newspapers reveal that Herrmann was involved in selling clothing and fabrics, first as a partner with his relative Adolph Lustig in the firm of Ludwig Schlesinger and, from 1866, in his own right.

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Advertisement for a Christmas
sale of ladies' clothing in
Der Oberschlesische Wanderer,
Jg. 38, No. 49, 5 December 1865, page 3
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I hereby give notice that from today's date I continue to run the

cloth, linen and millinery business
formerly jointly run with my brother-in-law, Mr. Ad. Lustig under the company Ludwig Schlesinger for my sole account under the company
H. Halberstädter
and assets and liabilities have passed to me.

I shall endeavour to live up to all claims to a rich selection and cheap prices and to justify the trust placed in me at all times by always offering good goods and genuine service.

Gleiwitz, 20 April 1866.

H. Halberstädter
Notice in Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 40, No. 19, 8 May 1866, page 8
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"I have put a batch of beautiful woolen dress fabrics back for sale and am offering them at remarkably cheap prices."
Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 39, No. 37, 11 September 1866, page 8
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"Quilts in beautiful designs"
Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 41, No.45 , 5 June 1868, page 4

The identity of his business partner "Ad. Lustig" is uncertain. The German term Schwager usually denotes an "in-law". So far as I know, none of Herrmann's sisters married a Lustig, and nor did any of his wife's brothers. The only related Adolf Lustig is this one who was Herrmann's sister-in-law's husband.

In May 1869 Herrmann announced he was giving up his clothing business in Gleiwitz and in August that year his stock was liquidated in a 2-day auction. Less than two months later he announced the opening of an establishment in Beuthen catering for beer, wine, food and billiards.

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"Due to giving up my business, I ask all those who still have an account with me to settle it as soon as possible"
Beuthner Kreisblatt, 1969, No. 20, 14 May 1969, page 9
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Der Oberschlesische Wanderer,
Jg. 42, No. 101, 27 August 1869, page 3
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As of today I have at Gleiwitzer Strasse No. 37, in the house of master saddler Mr. Rössler, opened

a beer salon, restaurant, wine bar and billiard establishment.

If you want the most delicious dishes and drinks with prompt and attentive service, I particularly recommend the well-known
beer from Herrmann Müller in Rybnik,
which is well-known and awarded at the last agricultural exhibition in Breslau, of which I also have large stocks for Beuthen and the surrounding area.

I commend my establishment to the kind attention of an honorable public.

Beuthen O-S
Herrmann Halberstädter.

Beuthner Kreisblatt, 1869, No. 41, 8 October 1869, page 8

Herrmann was related, through his wife, to Hermann Mueller, whose beer he stocked and distributed. The Halberstaedter family eventually owned a 10% share in Mueller's brewery in Rybnik. By the end of 1869 Herrmann was advertising wholesale stocks of Culmbacher and Rybniker lager and Hungarian wines to proprietors of restaurants and public houses.

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Beuthner Kreisblatt,
1869, No. 52, 24 December 1869, page 9|

Herrmann is listed in the 1880 Beuthen address book as a restaurateur and house owner living at Gleiwitzerstrasse 40 (now demolished to make way for the Agora Bytom shopping mall). After Herrmann's death in March 1880 the restaurant passed out of the family, but an advertisement from 1881 refers to it as "formerly Halberstaedter".

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Extract from the 1880 address book for Beuthen
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Advert for the restaurant formerly owned by
Herrmann in the 1881 Beuthen address book,
Adverts section page 30, (file page 110)

His grave stone stands in the Jewish cemetery on Piekarska, Beuthen. Although the side bearing the German inscription is badly weathered, Herrmann's name can be made out and the cemetery's register confirms that it is that of Herrmann. The Hebrew inscription on the other side names him Zvi Halberstadter and his father Eliezer.

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Death certificate
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My 2 x great grandfather.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter)’s "Louis Halberstaedter" notes;
Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter)’s "Hermann Halberstaedter" notes;
archive.org - Fred Halbers collection: Ernst Halberstaedter's marriage certificate;
archive.org - Fred Halbers collection: genealogical notes;
Portrait: Max Halberstaedter collection, now in the Jewish Museum, Berlin;
sbc.org.pl - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 38, No. 49, 5 December 1865;
sbc.org.pl - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 40, No. 19, 8 May 1866;
sbc.org.pl - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 39, No. 37, 11 September 1866;
sbc.org.pl - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 41, No.45 , 5 June 1868;
sbc.org.pl - Beuthner Kreisblatt, 1969 , No. 20, 14 May 1969;
sbc.org.pl - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 42, No. 101, 27 August 1869;
sbc.org.pl - Beuthner Kreisblatt, 1869, No. 41, 8 October 1869;
sbc.org.pl - 1880 address book for Beuthen;
sbc.org.pl - Adressbuch der Stadt Beuthen O.S. und des Dorfes Rossberg einschliesslich Guretzko. 3. Jg, 1881.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.