Amalie (Malka) Annemarie Brieger

Poland, Schlesien, Zuelz
Poland, Schlesien, Beuthen
FatherLoebel Jacob (Jehuda) Brieger (ca 1765 – )
PartnerSalomon Nothmann (1788 – 14.03.1847)

Married 1819



Pine Nothmann (12.10.1820 – 18.02.1850)

Simon (Schaye, Jesaya) Nothmann (10.12.1821 – 21.02.1879)

Henriette Nothmann (11.07.1823 – 07.02.1882)

Loebel Nothmann (16.02.1826 – 16.03.1861)

Josef Nothmann (06.10.1829 – 15.11.1874)

Rachel Nothmann (11.07.1830 – 1866)

Mendel (Immanuel) Nothmann (19.08.1832 – 20.11.1833)

Feibisch (Fabian) Nothmann (15.05.1834 – 05.08.1835)

Heimann (Haim) Nothmann (20.02.1836 – 06.01.1911)

Jochem Nothmann (15.03.1836 – )

Joel Julius (Elias) Nothmann (13.12.1839 – 18.04.1879)

Hirschel Nothmann (07.06.1842 – )


Following the death of her husband, she lived with their son Simon and moved with him to Beuthen. "Geschichte Nothmann" says she died there, whereas Mara Thorson says she died in Kattowitz; both sources agree on the date of her death, as does Nothmann Family Collection, 1978. JRI-Poland records her burial in Beuthen on 09.06.1861 and says she was 65 years old.

Nothmann Family Collection, 1978 says she was born in 1776, which would make her in the region of 44 to 66 years when her children were born. Other sources give 1796, which appears more likely.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 14.09.2021 at 21:20.