Loebel Nothmann

Poland, Schlesien, Langendorf
FatherJesaya, Schaye Nothmann (1739 – 08.10.1815)
MotherJettel (ca 1745 – 1826)
PartnerCharlotte Koeppler (ca 1780 – )

Married 04.11.1812


Image missing

siliusradicum.pl - Gleiwitz Jewish registers


Guttel Nothmann (01.06.1813 – 17.09.1871)

Rachel Nothmann (01.12.1814 – )

Schaja Nothmann (05.09.1816 – )

Isaac Aaron Nothmann (14.09.1817 – )

Jettel Nothmann (10.03.1820 – 22.04.1821)

Hannel Nothmann (1821 – 26.12.1822)

Salomon Wolf Nothmann (22.05.1823 – 10.06.1906)

Rosa (Reisel) Nothmann (22.05.1823 – )

Wolf Nothmann (23.05.1823 – )


Described as a salt merchamt at the death of Jettel (1821).

Recorded in the Langendorf Jewish register in 1817, and later recorded as "migrated to Wittenberg" where he worked with the railway. He converted to Christianity, possibly in order to be eligible for work in the state enterprise. Friedrich Nothmann writes:

Aus unsere Familie ist nur ein Einziger bekannt, der in jener Zeit zum Chritentum übergetreten ist. Er heiss Löbel Nothmann und war der dritte, im Jahre 1778 geborene Sohn Jesajas. Der strenggläubige Familie hat diesen verlorenen Sohn ausgestossen und totgeschwiegen. [There is only one known member of our family who converted to Christianity at that time. His name is Löbel Nothmann and was the third son of Isaiah, born in 1778. The devout family rejected this prodigal son and hushed it up.]

Sonja Delander suggests he may have emigrated to England and later moved to Scotland in order to make him the father of William Notman, "born in Paisley (Scotland) in 1805". This seems unlikely not only because, as Delander notes, he was registered in Langendorf in 1817, but also because the records of the births of all his children up to the triplets born in 1823 place him in Langendorf. Furthermore, there is a record of the baptism of William Notman in Paisley born and baptised in 1805, which names his parents as William Notman and Helen Mcfarline.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mara Thorson;
Sonja Delander: Nothmann Chronicle, 1974 page 7 (5);
cjh.org - Nothmann Family Collection, 1978;
Friedrich Nothmann: Die Geschichte der Familie Nothmann, 1939 page 200;
ancestry.com - birth and baptism of William Notman in 1805.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.