Rosa (Reisel) Nothmann

Poland, Schlesien, Langendorf
DiedPoland, Schlesien, Langendorf
FatherLoebel Nothmann (20.09.1778 – )
MotherCharlotte Koeppler (ca 1780 – )
PartnerSalomon Cohn (11.01.1824 – )


Friederike Cohn (1850 – 09.01.1892)

Philippine Cohn (ca 1855 – ca 1918)


Named on daughter Friederike's death certificate, which gives her last residence.

Image missing
Birth record

One of triplets, along with Wolf and Salomon. Mara Thorson, citing Michael Liebermann, gives their date of birth as 29.04.1823 whereas JRI-Poland gives 22.05.1823.

Named by Mara Thorson as Reisel, but omitted in JRI-Poland. The handwritten birth record clearly lists twins "Salomon + Wolf +" in the "Boy" column and "Reisel" in the "Girl" column.

Reisel is equated to Rosa, mother of Friederike, by reference to the parents named in Friederike's death certificate and to a member's tree on

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 28.05.2023 at 18:05.