Carl Czwiklitzer
| Notes According to Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter) he was a doctor in Ratibor; this is confirmed by a notice in Amtsblatt der Regierung in Oppeln für 1942. A doctor Karol (the Polish form of "Carl") Czwiklitzer moved his practice from Lon to Ratibor in 1898, and subsequently moved within Ratibor many times. Announcement of his arrival in Ratibor from Lon in Nowiny Raciborskie, R. 10, nr 42, 7 April 1898, page 4 Carl graduated from the Kattowitz Gymnasium at Easter 1891 and went on to study medicine in Breslau University. His doctoral thesis, Ueber den heutigen Stand der Resection und Exstirpation des Kehlkopfes wegen maligner Tumoren, is recorded in Chronik der koeniglichen Universitaet zu Breslau, dated 5 December 1896; the entry also states that he was from Kattowitz. A Czwiklitzer, K. of Breslau is listed in Annals of Surgery Volume XXVI, July - December 1897. Carl and Johanna are listed in the 1939 census of Ratibor at Niedertorstrasse 2, an address they shared with several Goldberg family members, including Hermann Goldberg. A Carl Czwiklitzer, born 20.09.1871, appears on a list of victims of the Nazi regime. Sources (click here for generic source information) Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter)’s "Borinski" notes; - Amtsblatt der Regierung in Oppeln für 1942, Bd. 127, St. 20; - Nowiny Raciborskie, R. 8, nr 38, 8 March 1896; - Nowiny Raciborskie, R. 10, nr 42, 7 April 1898; - Nowiny Raciborskie, R. 11, nr 120, 12 October 1899; - Nowiny Raciborskie, R. 17, nr 93, 10 August 1905; XXVI. Jahresbericht űber das Städtische Gymnasium zu Kattowitz, Ostern 1897 page 27 (22); Chronik der koeniglichen Universitaet zu Breslau page 383; Annals of Surgery Volume XXVI, July - December 1897, publ. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, PA., 1897; - citing German Federal Archives: murdered by the Nazi regime; - address and date of death. |
This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.