Moritz Apt

FatherAdolph (Zac) Apt (15.06.1814 – 24.11.1892)
MotherBertha Gassmann (06.02.1815 – )
PartnerClara Preuss (28.12.1857 – 08.05.1928)

Married 31.10.1882


Image missing
Engagement notice. -
Der Oberschlesische Wanderer,
Jg. 55, Nr. 262, 8 November 1882, page 4
Image missing - certificate no. 1882/62;


Elly Apt (ca 1880 – )

Gertrud Apt (ca 1880 – )

Anna Apt (27.12.1890 – )


The 1892 Upper Silesia business directory lists two people named Moritz Apt: one as the owner of "Moritz Apt", Schnitt- und Tuchwaarenhdlg in Langendorf (Kreiss Toft-Gleiwitz) (page 98), and the other as owner the of "Adolf Apt", Schnitt- und Modewhdl in Lublinitz (page 109).

Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter) mentions Lublinitz in connection with this Moritz, and there is little doubt that the Lublinitz business belonged to him and was named after his father.

Image missing
Advert for another sales assistant
Oberschlesische Volksstimme,
Jg. 34, Nr. 204, 5 September 1908, page 4

The 1914 Upper Silesia business directory (page 208) shows that the Langendorf business is now in the hands of Albert Apt and Emil Gadiel, suggesting that it had previously belonged to Moritz's namesake cousin, father of Albert.

(The 1892 directory also mentions a Jacob Apt owning a similar business in Cosel.)

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter)’s "Bertha Gassmann" notes;
1892 business address book for Upper Silesia; - Oberschlesische Volksstimme, Jg. 34, Nr. 204, 5 September 1908;
1914 business address book for Upper Silesia.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.