Michael Chiel/Hille Staub
| Notes This is a combination of the Michael recorded in the Pless family records (married to Theresia Bukowsky and living in Berun, Kreis Pless) and the Michael recorded in JRI-Poland (a grain merchant, married to Ernestine Bujakowsky). Pless family records JRI-Poland records the birth of several children to Michael and Ernestine, all of them in Nicolai, and the death of a Michael in 1864, also in Nicolai. The age at death given in JRI-Poland (51 years) agrees with the date of birth given in the Pless family records. I suspect that Bukowsky is a corruption of Bujakowsky, and that Theresia is either Ernestine or, more likely, her sister; in the latter scenario I assume she died young and Michael subsequently married her sister. Michael's daughter Minna is known from the JRI-Poland records of Minna's marriage in 1863. The record does not give her age so her date of birth cannot be calculated, but it is unlikely that she would have been born later than 1846. The record does not name her mother. It identifies her father as Michael and places them in Nicolai but it describes Michael as a shop keeper (in all other records he is a grain merchant). The Pless family records were maintained until 1846, so it is surprising that they make no mention either of Minna's birth or of Michael's move out of the area if she was born elsewhere. Henriette is known from her death certificate which names her parents as Michael Staub and Ernestine. The possibility that there were two contemporary Michael Staubs, perhaps married to sisters, one in Berun and the other in Nicolai cannot be ruled out. Sources (click here for generic source information) |
This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.