Samuel Staub

FatherDavid Staub (12.12.1788 – 18.11.1852)
MotherDorel Wittner (27.05.1790 – 15.07.1862)
PartnerJohanna (Handel, Hanschel) Gassmann (07.12.1820 – 14.02.1894)


Mara Thorson;
Johanna's death certificate identifies her husband as Samuel Staub, late of Langendorf.


Johanna's death certificate identifies her as the widow of Samuel Staub who died in Myslowitz

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Gravestone in Myslowice Jewish cemetery

A Samuel Staub is buried in Myslowice who died 18 Tischrei 5641 (23.09.1880) in his 57th year, so born 1823-24.

Delowicz identifies Samuel Staub, born 10.01.1825, as a child of David and Dorel Wittwer (sic).

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.