Walter Danziger

Germany, Berlin
Sweden, Stockholm
FatherFritz Albert Joseph Danziger (27.08.1891 – 10.10.1954)
MotherKaethe Halberstaedter (05.07.1895 – 22.08.1963)
PartnerThea (Dorothea) Hermann (24.06.1922 – 29.05.2011)


Walter was born in Berlin at the Adass Yisroel Jewish hospital at Elsaesser Strasse, 85.

Image missing
Record of Walter's birth in
my grandparents' Stammbuch
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Walter's birth certificate
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Birth announcement in Der Oberschlesische Wanderer
Jg 96, Nr 147, 25 June 1924, Zweites Blatt, page 3
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Record of Walter's schooling in
Berlin and transfer to Sweden

Following his mother's and sister's emigration to England (ca. 1937) Walter lived in, and went to school at, the Jewish orphanage in Berlin-Pankow while his father was establishing their future life in Sweden. Walter joined his father in Sweden in the spring of 1938.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

With thanks to Dr. Gabriele Bergner who obtained a copy of Walter's birth certificate and school record; - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer Jg 96, Nr 147, 25 June 1924.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.