Loebel Riesenfeld
| Notes According to hirschfeld.se, Loebel was born in 1747 in Zuelz and died in 1824 in Langendorf; he and "Theresie KAZIORUNKE? (MAYER?)" were parents of:
Of these, only Feigele's birth is recorded in JRI-Poland. The record names her mother as Theresise Mayer, places the family in Langendorf and describes Loebel as a butcher. A Loebel Riesenfeld, butcher of Langendorf, died on 03.12.1824 aged 75 years, so born 1748-49. I have based "my" Loebel Riesenfeld on these two records. Working back 40 years from Feigele's birth in 1816, I assume Theresie Mayer was not born much before 1775 and would not be the mother of any children born before about 1795. If Loebel had any children before 1795 it is likely that they would have been to a different mother; I have adopted the name Theresie Kaziorunke for this person following hirschfeld.se. If hirschfeld.se is correct, then Loebel moved with his son Lazar from Zuelz to Langendorf between 1779 and the birth of Samuel Israel in 1804/05. This was a move that Jehuda-Loeb Kohen-Zedek had made some time between 1763 and 1775, and several marriages occurred between members of subsequent generations of their respective families. A few months after Loebel's death, Theresie Kaziorunke moved from Langendorf to Tost accompanied by sons Israel (24), Samuel (20) and Moritz (13); Theresie is described as the widow of Loebel Riesenfeld. The fact that Feigele did not accompany them, and has a different mother, suggests that either Loebel divorced his first wife (unlikely as she is described as his widow), or Feigele was illigitimate, or there were two Loebels. Sources (click here for generic source information) JRI-Poland; familysearch.org (left page) and familysearch.org (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish death records; familysearch.org (left page) and familysearch.org (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records. |
This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.