Paul Borinski
| Notes Paul was a doctor / chemist. He attended the Koeniglichen Gymnasium in Koenigshuette and Munich University. The 1939 census of the Eppendorf district of Hamburg lists Paul and Alice at Haynstrasse 7. Yad Vashem records state that Alice and Paul had lived in Hamburg and in Bergen (Norway) where their property was subject to Aryanization, and that Alice died in Auschwitz concentration camp the day after transportation from Berlin. A Yad Vashem testimonial says that Paul also died in Auschwitz concentration camp. does not mention the emigration to Norway (although it does so for Alice), and has him deported to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Possibly the "Prof. P. Borinski" refered to in this 1928 paper by Prof. Dr. Alfred Stock as director of the Chemical Institute of the Berlin Health-Administration who founded the Mercury Investigative Agency of the City of Berlin. A Dr Phil Paul Borinski, chemist, is listed in the 1930 Berlin address book at NW87, Claudius Strasse 7. Sources (click here for generic source information) Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter)’s "Borinski" notes; Zur Geschichte des Koeniglichen Gymnasiums in Koenigshuette O.-S. 1877-1902 page 32 (35); - Paul; - Alice; - 1939 census, imprisonment. |
This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.