Hermine Apt

Poland, Schlesien, Langendorf
Diedca 1942
Poland, Auschwitz concentration camp
FatherMoritz Apt (03.01.1843 – 1921)
MotherBertha Prager (15.03.1844 – 19.06.1907)
PartnerEmil Gadiel (26.03.1874 – 04.11.1931)

Married 02.09.1906 Poland, Schlesien, Langendorf



Heinz Moshe Gadiel (04.06.1910 – )

Kurt Gadiel (13.02.1912 – )

Erich Gadiel (18.12.1914 – )


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Birth certificate kindly provided by
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Hermine and Emil
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Hermine and Erich
Photos kindly donated by RG, a granddaughter of Emil Gadiel

One-time proprietor of her father's business in Langendorf (probably after her husband's death in 1931).

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Moritz's shop in Langendorf trading under
his daughter Hermine's name
Photo courtesy of
RG, a granddaughter of Emil Gadiel

Her Gleiwitz residence card shows that from 01.03.1939 Hermine, who was by then a widow, lived in Gleiwitz at Tarnowitzerstasse 8.

Gleiwitz residence cards exist for other Gadiels at the same address:
  • Erich, date and place of birth unknown, date of residence unknown, moved to Augsburg;
  • Kurt, born in Langendorf on 13.02.1912, emigrated to Bolivia in 1939;
  • Caezilie born in Gross Lassowitz (where Emil was also born) on 07.05.1878 who had lived at Tarnowitzerstrasse 8 since 1934, an unmarried sister of Emil (her card is marked "Frl" = Fraulein).

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Gleiwitz residence cards

The 1939 census of Gleiwitz lists Hermine and Caecilie at Tarnowitzerstrasse 8 along with (among others) Emil's sister Jenny Lichtenstein geb. Gadiel.

Hermine and Caezilie were deported on 20.05.1942. Erich Gadiel, a son of Hermine, presumably the Erich mentioned above, submitted a testimonial to Yad Vashem stating that Hermine was deported Riga. However, another Yad Vashem record says she was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mara Thorson;
mappingthelives.org - 1939 census, deportation;
yadvashem.org - place of birth, address, date of birth, parents' names, date of deportation;
cbj.jhi.pl and cbj.jhi.pl - residence cards for Hermine confirming many of the details from Yad Vashem;
cbj.jhi.pl - residence card: Erich Gadiel;
cbj.jhi.pl, cbj.jhi.pl and cbj.jhi.pl - residence card: Kurt Gadiel;
cbj.jhi.pl - residence card: Caezilie Gadiel.

This record was last updated on 17.05.2024 at 15:32.