Friedrich Brauer

Poland, Schlesien, Sohrau
PartnerAnna Apt (27.12.1890 – )

Married Poland, Schlesien, Gleiwitz


Kaethe Brauer (16.10.1920 – )


Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter) gives only his surname. The Gleiwitz residence cards for Anna Brauer geb. Apt and Friedrich Brauer show the same sequence of addresses and dates of residence and emigration. As they are contemporaries, I assume that Friedrich is Anna's husband. All the details here are taken from his residence card.

Image missing
Gleiwitz residence card
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Annulment of German Nationality

One of the residential addresses shown is Tarnowitzerstrasse 5. A Fritz Brauer had a business at Tarnowitzerstrasse 4; it is possible this is the same person.

Friedrich, Anna and Kaethe are listed in the 1939 census of Gleiwitz at Tarnowitzer Strasse 5. Kaethe is listed under her married name of Loewenstein but her husband is not listed with them.

Image missing
Advert in Der Oberschlesische Wanderer,
Jg. 95, Nr. 58, 10-11 March 1923,
page 8
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Advert in Der Oberschlesische Wanderer,
Jg. 101, Nr. 149, 29 June 1928,
page 10
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Advert in Der Oberschlesische Wanderer,
Jg. 102, Nr. 120, 25-26 May 1929,
page 9
Image missing
Advert in Der Oberschlesische Wanderer,
Jg. 111, Nr. 340, 10 December 1938,
page 12

Emigrated to Chile 20.06.1939.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Kaethe Danziger (geb. Halberstaedter)’s "Bertha Gassmann" notes; - 1939 census; - residence card: name, date and place of birth, date and destination of emigration; - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 95, Nr. 58, 10-11 March 1923; - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 101, Nr. 149, 29 June 1928; - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 102, Nr. 120, 25-26 May 1929; - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 111, Nr. 340, 10 December 1938.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.