Kaethe Brauer

Poland, Schlesien, Beuthen
FatherFriedrich Brauer (18.01.1889 – )
MotherAnna Apt (27.12.1890 – )
PartnerEgon Lowenstein (02.10.1912 – )


Friedrich, Anna and Kaethe are listed in the 1939 census of Gleiwitz at Tarnowitzer Strasse 5. Kaethe is listed under her married name of Loewenstein but her husband is not listed with them.

Image missing
Brazilian tourist visa, 1961

By 1960 Kaethe and Egon had Chilean nationality. Their Brazilian visas both quote the same passport number.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:43.