Jacob Silbermann

Bornca 1790
DiedPoland, Schlesien, Peiskretscham
PartnerEva Bobrekauer (ca 1780 – )


Salomon Silbermann (1800-01 – )

PartnerHelena Bobrecker (ca 1790 – )


Hannel Silbermann (1809-10 – 11.03.1825)

Nathan Silbermann (1812-13 – )

Pincus Silbermann (02.01.1816 – )

Rebecca (Eva?) Silbermann (1817-18 – )

Schomschik (Simon?) Silbermann (1819-20 – )

Amalie (Helena?) Silbermann (05.03.1822 – 14.01.1879)


Named on Amalie's death certificate. A brandy distiller in 1816 and again in 1825; an innkeeper in records dated 1818-1822.

Image missing
Movement record, 1833

A record of Jacob's move from Kopienitz to Milkuczyc in 1833 names his wife (as Helena) and children Nathan (20), Pincus (16), Rebecca (15), Schomschik (13) and Helena (12).

Salomon's marriage record names his parents as Jacob Silbermann and Eva Borbrekauer from Lubie. JRI-Poland includes records of the birth of children to Jacob in Lubie; the available records cover the period 1812 to 1847, so earlier children, such as Salomon are possible. The records do not name the mother of Jacob's children consistently: surnames vary between Bobrek, Bobreker and Bobrekauer, while given names include Helena, Magdalena, Johanna and Lena. Although Eva (the name given in Salomon's marriage record) doesn't appear in any of the birth records, the surname Bobrekauer does; so it seems likely that Salomon's father was this Jacob and his mother was either the mother of Jacob's later children or a deceased sister. The fact that the first daughter born to Jacob after the strta of Gleiwitz records in 1812 is called Eva supports the theory that Jacob's first wife was called Eva and died sometime between 1800 and 1812.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

familysearch.org (left page) and familysearch.org (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records, 1833.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.