Emma Brauer

Poland, Schlesien, Beuthen
Poland, Schlesien, Zabrze
FatherLeopold Brauer (1837-38 – )
MotherPhilippine Riesenfeld (1831-35 – 10.01.1918)
PartnerFerdinand Stiebel (02.05.1868 – )

Married 27.05.1893 Poland, Schlesien, Klein Zabrze


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Erich Stiebel (03.03.1894 – 17.07.1915)


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Death certificate

Buried in Zabrze Jewish cemetery; a photo of her gravestone can be seen at commons.wikimedia.org. Her gravestone says she died in her 24th year, which means she was born in 1870-71. However her death certificate gives her age as 26 years, which means she was born in 1867-68. muzeumzabrze.pl places her birth in 1868. All three sources give the same date of death. Her marriage certificate gives her date of birth as 26.05.1868.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 10.05.2022 at 20:29.