Henriette Gassmann

Poland, Schlesien, Tost
Poland, Opole Voivodeship, Cosel
FatherSalomon (Fabian, Feibisch) Gassmann (08.01.1817 – 20.12.1895)
MotherMarie (Miriam) Nothmann (ca 1820 – 27.06.1851)
PartnerMoritz Schlesinger (ca 1850 – )



Elsbeth Schlesinger (13.12.1878 – )

Dagobert Schlesinger (27.12.1879 – )

Marie Schlesinger (04.09.1885 – ca 1944)


Mara Thorson says that Henriette was born to Fabian's first wife, and both her death certificate and Felix Auerbach's 1905 Silbergliet - Nothmann tree agree that she was a daughter of Marie Nothmann and a Gassmann father. UN shows both Henriette and her sister Friederike as daughters of Fabian Gassmann and his second wife, Lina Kirschner.

The Henriette in UN married Moritz Schlesinger, while Auerbach's married a Freund. Her death certificate and names Moritz Schlesinger as her husband. UN shows that Henriette's (half-)sister married a Freund.

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Death certificate

Died aged 37 years 8 months so born in 1848.

Her gravestone is one of three, originating from Cosel Jewish cemetery, which were discovered in a workshop in Rybnik in July 2018. Another of the three ex-Cosel gravestones was that of Adolf Apt (1848-1927).

Henriette's gravestone confirms her date of death (9 Sivan 5646 = 12.06.1886), and names her father in Hebrew as Shlomo Shraga HaCohen. The Hebrew appellation "Shraga" is synonymous with the Greek "Phoebus", whence the Yiddish "Feibisch" and its German cognate "Fabian", and was given to "people credited with bringing light or intellectual clarity to their subject". The title "HaCohen" means "the priest", and is found on many Gassmann / Nothmann gravestones; the family was of priestly descent, and other branches took the surnames "Cohen" (priest) and "Katz" (a contraction of "Cohen HaZedek" - righteous priest).

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Henriette's gravestone following its discovery in Rybnik
photo: Małgorzata Płoszaj

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Felix Auerbach's 1905 Silbergliet - Nothmann tree;
dbs.bh.org.il - on "Shrager".

This record was last updated on 13.08.2018 at 16:51.