Lina Freund

Poland, Schlesien, Myslowitz
Lithuania, Kowno
FatherSiegfried Freund (18.08.1848 – 20.10.1929)
MotherAnna Gassmann (24.10.1849 – --.09.1914)
PartnerMoritz Alexander (1882 – 08.02.1942)

Married 15.05.1922 Poland, Schlesien, Breslau


Details recorded on Moritz's death certificate.


Mara Thorson gives her birth as 26.08.1889 in Gosslershausen, UN gives 1889, Lotte Proskauer's notes (courtesy of PF) gives 1889 in Myslowitz. Yad Vashem, citing a record in the Memorial book "Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933 - 1945", confirms her place of birth as Myslowitz. The 1939 census lists her in Breslau at Graupenstrasse 3, giving her birth as 26.08.1889 in Myslowitz; no other obvious family members are listed at this address.

She was deported From Breslau on 25.11.1941 and murdered on arrival at Kaunas.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mara Thorson;
Lotte Proskauer's notes (courtesy of PF);; - 1939 census and deportation.

This record was last updated on 08.04.2024 at 19:05.