Elfriede Gassmann

Poland, Schlesien, Beuthen
Poland, Schlesien, Beuthen
FatherFerdinand (Fabian) Gassmann (--.01.1841 – 08.09.1897)
MotherJenny Nothmann (1844 – 17.05.1932)


Spinster, died aged 65 years.

Image missing
Death certificate

I haven't established a relationship between Elfriede and the rest of the Gassmann family. Elfriede lived in Beuthen at Bahnhofstrasse 5 and died in Dr Hirsch's private clinic.

A member's tree on ancestry.com identifies her parents as Ferdinand (Fabian) Gassmann and Jenny geb. Nothmann without citing any evidence. She reported the death of Gertrud Gassmann, a daughter of Ferdinand (Fabian) Gassmann and Jenny geb. Nothmann, who was living with her at the time.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

ancestry.com - member's tree showing her parents.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.