Ernestine (Ester) Spiegel

Bornca 1780
Poland, Schlesien, Langendorf
PartnerAlexander Prager (ca 1780 – 20.04.1866)


Goldine Prager (1806-07 – 20.02.1893)

Helene, Emilie, Jettel (BLYML) Prager (05.07.1822 – 17.05.1888)


Image missing
Alexander and Ernestine's gravestone in Langendorf

Her date of death appears to be 7 Adar 5627 (12.02.1867) and her age appears to be 87 years. Her father's name appears to be Samuel Spiegel.

The information on the gravestone disagrees with information given by her granddaughter Rosalie Perl geb. Gassmann on her mother's death certificate: Rosalie places Alexander's and Ernestine's deaths in Himmelwitz, and gives Ernestine's maiden name as Schindler.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 07.08.2020 at 20:37.