Charlotte Ehrlich

Poland, Schlesien, Berun
Poland, Schlesien, Hindenburg
FatherFerdinand (Veitel) Ehrlich (26.07.1807 – )
MotherJohanna Schlesinger (1814 – )
PartnerJulius Weissenberg (11.11.1842 – 20.08.1914)


Johanna Weissenberg (16.01.1877 – 01.09.1877)

Hedwig Weissenberg (11.03.1878 – 10.01.1899)

Fritz Weissenberg (09.06.1879 – 06.08.1939)

Paula Weissenberg (09.05.1881 – )

Selma Weissenberg (17.07.1883 – )

Rosa Weissenberg (25.01.1886 – ca 1942)

Hulda Weissenberg (03.05.1888 – )


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Death certificate kindly provided by
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Enlargement of the pencil note in the
margin of Charlotte's death certificate

Charlotte's death was reported by her daughter Hulda. The death certificate says she was born in Alt Berun to Ferdinand Ehrlich and Johanna geb. Schlesinger. The death certificate gives her age at death as 67 years 9 months, on which basis she should have been born in March 1848. A pencil note in the margin of the death certificate gives her date of birth as 19.03.1848; the origin of the date of birth is not mentioned.

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Veitel Ehrlich listed both
with his parents and siblings and
with his wife and children in the
Pless family register

The Pless family register records the birth of Charlotte to Veitel Ehrlich and Handel geb. Schlesinger of Berun on 14.03.1847. Bearing in mind that Alt Berun and Berun are interchangeable names for the same village ("Alt" was added only to distinguish the original extent of the village from the subsequent development of Neu-Berun some 3 km to the east) and that Ferdinand is a common vernacular cognate for the Yiddish names Veitel / Feitel, it seems more than likely that the birth and death records relate to the same Charlotte Ehrlich.

The Pless register only runs until the end of 1847, so we cannot exclude the possibility that Charlotte born 1847 (the one in the Pless register) died in infancy and her name was re-used for a daughter born a year later. Equally, it is possible that the clerk who wrote the pencil note on the death certificate transposed Charlotte's year of birth from 1847 to 1848 to fit her reported age.

Sources (click here for generic source information); - Pless family register.

This record was last updated on 21.03.2021 at 15:52.