Hans Freudenthal

FatherMax Freudenthal (31.05.1866 – )
MotherFrieda Leszynsky (01.05.1880 – )


The Breslau synagogue community address list of ca 1930 lists Max Freudenthal, a medical doctor born 31.05.1866, married to Frieda Leszynsky born 01.05.1880 living at Schweidnitzerstrasse 52, with Hans Freudenthal, born 11.11.1901, probably their son.

Hans also studied medicine, and was appointed to the Israelitischen Kranken-Verpflegungs-Anstalt und Beerdigungs-Gesellschaft in Breslau in 1925.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Sonja Delander: Nothmann Chronicle, 1974 page 25 - Children of Charlotte;
cbj.jhi.pl - address and dates of birth;
cbj.jhi.pl and following pages - application and appointment to the Israelitischen Kranken-Verpflegungs-Anstalt und Beerdigungs-Gesellschaft in Breslau.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.