Friedrich Josef Gassmann
| Notes Named as a brother of Max Gassmann, he served as a junior doctor in WWI. A Fritz Gassmann, with medical training gained in Breslau and Paris followed by a career in radiology in Germany and, since 1923, in Worland, Wyoming, was considered for a post at the Israelitischen Kranken-Verpflegungs-Anstalt und Beerdigungs-Gesellschaft in Breslau in 1926. In the end, he remained in Worland until 1928. Correspondence indicates that he styled himself "Frederick J Gassmann" in America and that he had a brother, also a doctor, in Liegnitz. His brother Martin's family cited him as a relative in Los Angeles when they sailed to the USA in 1938. Sources (click here for generic source information) - Max Gassmann's death announcement listing his wife, children and siblings; pages 1 to 43 - correspondence between Fritz Gassmann and the Israelitischen Kranken-Verpflegungs-Anstalt und Beerdigungs-Gesellschaft in Breslau; - events from Worland's history including Fred Gassmann's relocations and planned departure. |
This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.