Berthold Nothmann

Poland, Schlesien, Langendorf
UK, London
FatherHeimann (Haim) Nothmann (20.02.1836 – 06.01.1911)
MotherAmalie Riesenfeld (18.03.1832 – 02.09.1892)
PartnerMartha Bender (22.05.1874 – --.08.1967)

Married 26.08.1894 Poland, Schlesien, Hirschberg


Image missing


The fourth of nine children.

The 1914 Gleiwitz address book (pages 44 and 99) lists a Berthold Nothmann as a director of Verkaufsstelle Oberschlesischer Stahlröhrenwerke (Bismarckhütte-Huldschinskywerke) G.m.b.H. and Oberschlesische Stahlwerksgesellschaft G.m.b.H.

The Centre for Jewish History says of him, in its Guide to the Papers of the Nothmann Family 1892-1951:

Berthold Nothmann was born in Langendorf, Upper Silesia (today Wielowieś, Poland), on December 27, 1865. In Breslau (today Wrocław, Poland) he became a merchant and started working in the Hudschinsky tube factory (Röhrenwerke). Later he became the director of the company's branch in Gleiwitz (Gliwice, Poland). After World War I, he organized a tube industry syndicate which he led as the director of the board. Nothmann retired in 1931. A year later he moved from Düsseldorf to Berlin Wannsee. Because of the Nuremberg Laws, he had to resign his 40-year-old membership in the Verein Deutscher Hüttenleute (Union of German Metallurgists) in 1935, and in 1939 he filed an application for a visa to the United Kingdom. He died in London at the beginning of February 1942 and had no descendants. He had been a passionate art collector and some of his pieces can be seen in the photographs in this collection. Berthold was married to Martha, née Bender.

Berthold emigrated to Great Britain in 1939.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Meine Lebenserinnerungen by Berthold Nothmann;
1914 address book for Gleiwitz; - Guide to the Papers of the Nothmann Family 1892-1951; - emigration

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.