Fedor Max Apt

Poland, Opole Voivodeship, Cosel
FatherAdolf Apt (23.07.1848 – 26.10.1927)
MotherMarie (Marianna) Nothmann (14.05.1854 – 22.11.1907)
PartnerCharlotte Cohn (22.04.1891 – 17.09.1968)

Married 29.04.1919 Germany, Berlin, Charlottenburg


Image missing


Eva Apt (20.02.1920 – 08.01.2017)

Ilse Apt (02.06.1923 – )


Title: Prof. Dr.

Rechtsanwalt and solicitor with offices in partnership with his brother Bruno at Victoriastrasse 13, Berlin W10.

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Birth certificate
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Release from UK internment
Image missing
UK exemption from internment

A note on his birth certificate gives his name as Fedor Max, however he used Max as his forename.

In the late 1930s Max and Lotte emigrated to England; his and his wife's exemption from internment record gives an address in London. He was naturalised in 1947 at which time he was an accountant living in Leeds.

His wife's death certificate describes him as a retired accountant; at that time they were living in Manchester.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mara Thorson;
cbj.jhi.pl - 1928 correspondence from his partnership in Berlin;
thegazette.co.uk - UK naturalisation.

This record was last updated on 02.06.2024 at 20:24.