Markus Nathan Staub

Poland, Schlesien, Sohrau
Poland, Schlesien, Kattowitz
FatherDavid Staub (12.12.1788 – 18.11.1852)
MotherDorel Wittner (27.05.1790 – 15.07.1862)
PartnerJohanna Apt (02.11.1836 – 19.06.1906)

Married 1877 Poland, Schlesien, Myslowitz



Jeanette Staub (ca 1857 – )

David Staub (20.03.1860 – 30.05.1917)

Bertha Staub (ca 1860 – )

Lotte Staub (1862-63 – 06.03.1917)

Arthur (Isidor) Staub (03.04.1866 – 13.03.1921)

Sara Staub (05.11.1867 – ca 1942)

Friederike Staub (22.10.1868 – 1940)

Ernestine Staub (09.01.1871 – 13.12.1947)

Selma Staub (01.10.1873 – )


Described as a merchant when Isidor and Saara were born (1866-1867) and a mill owner when Friedeike was born (1868).

Owner and operater of a flour mill Gebrueder Staub.
MT notes that his gravestone is in Kattowitz cemetery, along with one for Arthur Staub who died in 1921.

Mara Thorson gives his date of birth as 23.12.1830 while the date on his gravestone is "19 Tevet 5592" which corresponds to 23.12.1831; the former is probably a typographical error. Gmina Wyznania Mojżeszowego w Żorach 1511-1940 by Jan Delowicz gives 06.01.1830.

Similarly, Mara Thorson gives his date of birth as 12.02.1905 but the date on his gravestone, "11 Adar I 5665", corresponds to 16.02.1905.

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This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.