Elfriede Pinkus

Poland, Schlesien, Klein Zabrze
FatherJacob Pinkus (1848 – 1899)
MotherMinna Fabisch (1856 – 17.03.1917)


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Birth certificates for Ella and Elfriede born 2nd and 3rd October 1890

Elfriede's birth appears to have been registered twice on consecutive days, or else an error has been made in transcribing the Haupt-Register.

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Death certificate of an
Elfriede Oettel geb. Pinkus

An Elfriede Oettel geb. Pinkus, born in Klein Zabrze died on 14.01.1928 aged 37 years, so born 1890-91. She was the wife of Willy Heinrich Oettel.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.