Kaethe Wiener

Poland, Schlesien, Tarnowitz
Diedca 1943
Poland, Auschwitz concentration camp
PartnerRichard Nothmann (21.05.1888 – ca 1943)


Named as Richard's wife on two Yad Vashem testimonals. Parents: Isaac and Jenny.

Richard and Kaethe lived in Breslau at Klosterstrasse 51 in ca 1930 and at Derfflingerstrasse 8 at the time of the 1939 census.

Richard and Kaethe were deported to Auschwitz concentration camp on 04.03.1943.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

cbj.jhi.pl - address in ca 1930;
mappingthelives.org - 1939 census, deportation;
yadvashem.org - testimonial to Kaethe, deportation.

This record was last updated on 27.04.2024 at 17:17.