Lazarus Riesenfeld

Bornca 1810
PartnerHenriette Stein (ca 1810 – )


Rifke Riesenfeld (1829-30 – )

Caroline Riesenfeld (11.03.1833 – 30.07.1834)

Leopold Riesenfeld (1850 – 27.03.1908)


On 29.08.1832 Lazar and Jettel geb. Stein, moved with Rifke from Georgenberg to Ciochowitz.

Image missing
Movement record, 1834

On 01.10.1834 Lazarus, with his wife Jettel geb. Stein and 4 year old daughter Rifke moved from Ciochowitz back to Georgenberg. The record of this move names Lazarus' father as Abraham.

The records of both moves cite family number 2804.

Perhaps not to be confused with his namesake whose movement record cites family number 2809 and who was married to Eva Gassmann. The records of their daughters Rachel's and Louise's marriages in the 1840s identify their parents as Lazarus of Georgenberg and Eva geb. Gassmann, so both Lazaruses lived in Georgenberg.

Sources (click here for generic source information) (left page) and (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records, 1834.

This record was last updated on 09.06.2024 at 17:29.