Jacob Bujakowsky
| Notes See sister Theresia. Movement records His wives Hanne geb. Miedwinsky and Jettel geb. Bloch are known from 1830 and 1835 movement records. The January 1833 movement record describes him as a childless widower and gives his date of birth as 27.02.1792. However, the record of his marriage to Jettel Bloch in February 1833 gives his age as 29 years, implying he was born 1803-04. Saveral of these details allow us to locate him in an entry in the Pless family register, which in turn provides information about his first marriage. Sources (click here for generic source information) JRI-Poland; familysearch.org (left page) and familysearch.org (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records - 1831; familysearch.org (left page) and familysearch.org (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records - 1835; cbj.jhi.pl - extract from the Pless family register. |
This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.