Jacob Feige
| Notes Aged 17 years when he moved with his father and siblings from Kempciowitz to Zawada on 01.10.1819, so born 1801-02. Aged 26 years when he married in 1826 so born 1799-1800. Moved from Kempciowitz to Zawada on 01.10.1819 and from Ksionzlas to Tarnowitz on 23.06.1829. The 1829 record names his father as Loebel and his wife as Jeanette geb. Leschnitzer; it cites family numbers 772, 95 and 154. A mill owner when Jeanette died. Sources (click here for generic source information) JRI-Poland; familysearch.org (left page) and familysearch.org (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records, 1819; familysearch.org (left page) and familysearch.org (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records, 1829. |
This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.