Samuel Guttmann Pincus

Bornca 1820
DiedPoland, Schlesien, Langendorf
FatherJoseph Guttman Pincus (ca 1780 – )
PartnerHandel Schweiger (1822 – )


Linna Pincus (06.06.1845 – 21.11.1907)

Joseph Pincus (14.05.1856 – )


Son Joseph's marriage certificate gives his place of death.

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Movement record

Samuel and Handel moved from Langendorf to Broslawitz (Beuthen district) in 1843.

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Gravestone in Langendorf's
Jewish cemetery.
(My photo)

A Samuel Pincus who died on 8 Tishrei 5637 (26.09.1876) in his 56th year (so 55 years old and so born 1820-21) is buried in Langendorf's
Jewish cemetery. Handel is buried in the same cemetery.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

JRI-Poland; (left page) and (right page) - Gleiwitz Jewish family movement records.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.