Wanda Priester

Poland, Schlesien, Rybnik
FatherAdolf Priester (1840-41 – 30.04.1921)
MotherPauline Freund (1852 – 23.04.1927)
PartnerAlbert Nothmann (22.04.1885 – 17.04.1961)

Married 23.11.1911 Poland, Schlesien, Rybnik


GB, a relative of the Wachsner family, message #349,
Image missing
Photo kindly provided
by Małgorzata Płoszaj


Guenter Gabriel Nothmann (04.03.1908 – )

Gerhard Samuel Nothmann (23.09.1912 – 11.11.2008)

Siegfried Nothmann (16.09.1919 – 30.12.1972)

Annelies Nothmann (26.02.1922 – )


Image missing
Rybnik birth registers
Photo kindly provided
by Małgorzata Płoszaj

Fritz, Albert and Albert's wife and children were recorded in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Babelsberger Str. 6 in the 1939 census.

Fritz, Albert and Albert's wife Wanda were registered as displaced persons with an address in New Hampshire on a 1946 passenger list.

Image missing
1946 passenger list
Image missing
Death announcement for Paula Priester,
assumed to be Wanda's mother,
Der Oberschlesische Wanderer,
Jg. 100, Nr. 94, 25 April 1927,
page 4
Image missing
Extract from a list of surviving former Berlin residents in Aufbau, 14 December 1945, page 28

The death of Paula Priester geb. Freund was reported by Albert Nothmann from Gross Strehlitz, providing further circumstantial evidence of the close relationship between Wanda and Paula.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

GB, a relative of the Wachsner family, message #349 - first name of Albert's wife and Annalies' mother;
ancestry.com - surname;
mappingthelives.org - 1939 census;
sbc.org.pl - Der Oberschlesische Wanderer, Jg. 100, Nr. 94, 25 April 1927;
archive.org - Aufbau, 14 December 1945 giving Wanda's date and place of birth.

This record was last updated on 06.04.2022 at 19:48.