Rosalie Schein

Poland, Opole Voivodeship, Gross Strehlitz
DiedCzech Republic, Theresienstadt concentration camp
FatherLouis Schein (1835-36 – 16.11.1902)
MotherAmalie Gassmann (1837-38 – 01.10.1900)
PartnerNathan Lewin (16.09.1871 – )

Married 16.03.1894 Poland, Opole Voivodeship, Gross Strehlitz


Image missing


Paul Lewin (21.12.1895 – 1942.11.13)

Frieda Lewin (31.12.1898 – )

Erich Lewin (31.05.1900 – )

Martin Lewin (26.09.1901 – ca 1944)


Lived as a widow in Breslau at Poststrasse 3 in ca 1930. Also at the same address are:
- Paul Lewin born 21.12.1895;
- Frieda Lewin born 31.12.1898;
- Erich Lewin born 31.05.1900;
- Martin Lewin born 26.09.1901.

Of these, Erich and Martin are confirmed by their birth certificates to be her children by Nathan, Paul and Frieda are assumed to be.

Rosalie is listed in the 1939 census of Breslau at Nadlergasse 3 with Charlotte Lewin geb. Buczek; no other obvious family members are listed at this address.

Rosalie was deported from Breslau to Theresienstadt concentration camp on 27.07.1942.

Sources (click here for generic source information) - address in ca 1930; - 1939 census and deportation; - death at Theresienstadt concentration camp.

This record was last updated on 10.01.2024 at 19:47.