Ludwig Graupner

Bornca 1875
DiedPoland, Schlesien, Breslau
FatherHeimann Graupner (12.03.1834 – 23.10.1908)
MotherBertha Gassmann (20.02.1842 – 21.06.1875)


In 1914 a Kaethe Graupner from Beuthen, daughter of Louis Graupner and Auguste geb. Jacobowitz married Alfred Aronade from Rybnik. The marriage was witnessed by an Albert Graupner who appears to be Ludwig's brother. It is entirely plausible that Louis in the marriage record equates to Ludwig in the other sources.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mara Thorson; - marriage of Kaethe Graupner.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.