Oskar Nothmann
| Notes A Dr Oskar Nothmann, court lawyer, born 15.02.1870, was deported from Berlin to Theresienstadt concentration camp on 18.03.1943. The 1939 census of Berlin does not list any other obvious family members at his address, Berlin Wilmersdorf, Pariser Strasse 53. His relationship to his parents comes from a member's tree on jewishgen.org. It is supported by the facts that: - in 1933 Dr Oskar Nothmann, brewery owner, reported the death of his sister Martha; - like his sister and mother, he was born in Hamburg and like his sister and both parents he later lived in Berlin. Sources (click here for generic source information) jewishgen.org; holocaust.cz - deportation of an Oskar Nothmann; mappingthelives.org - place of birth, address in 1939 census, deportation. |
This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.