Elias Preiss

Bornca 1820
DiedPoland, Schlesien, Pless
PartnerRosalie Wachsner (15.05.1821 – 10.01.1897)

Married 09.03.1863


JRI-Poland, Pless record.


Louis Preiss (06.06.1850 – )

Hermann Preiss (11.08.1852 – )

Linna Preiss (13.08.1854 – )

Marie Preiss (06.01.1856 – )

Jeanette Preiss (08.12.1857 – 25.02.1861)

Berta Preiss (19.07.1859 – )

Siegfried Preiss (31.07.1860 – )

Adolph Preiss (19.11.1862 – )

Minna Preiss (06.08.1864 – )


1850: Butcher
1852: Butcher
1854: Merchant
1856: Bar lessee
1857: Merchant
1859: Bar lessee
1860: Butcher and merchant
1861: Barkeeper
1862: Shoemaker
1863: Barkeeper
1864: Barkeeper

Elias and Rosalie's civil marriage, in 1863, appears to have been an afterthought. The record of Adolph's birth in 1862 notes that they were married in Jewish law only.

The birth of an Elias Preiss on 26.03.1826 to Joseph Preiss and Marianne was registered in Pless.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Son Siegfried's marriage certificate - place of death;
cbj.jhi.pl - Pless family register.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.