Max Nothmann

Poland, Schlesien, Myslowitz
Germany, Elberfeld
FatherSiegmund Nothmann (1842 – )
MotherLinna Kuznitzky (27.11.1846 – 07.07.1927)
PartnerAnna Karoline Elisabeth Kuehl (16.01.1861 – )

Married 23.03.1920 Germany, Berlin


Image missing

Notes gives his date of birth as 27.01.1874; however the copy of his marriage certificate gives 27.01.1873. A birth in early 1873 is incompatible with his brother Martin's birth in October 1872, so the date in 1874 more credible.

Described as a war invalid in his 1920 marriage certificate.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.