Julius Nothmann

Poland, Schlesien, Myslowitz
Diedca 1942
FatherSiegmund Nothmann (1842 – )
MotherLinna Kuznitzky (27.11.1846 – 07.07.1927)
PartnerGertrud Borinski (07.12.1885 – ca 1942)

Married 21.08.1919 Poland, Schlesien, Kattowitz


genealodzy.pl - certificate no. 243/1919.


The Gleiwitz 1914 address book lists Julius and Alfred Nothmann as co-ownwers of the Siegmund Nothmann manufactured goods business in Kattowitz. According to jewishgen.org Julius and Alfred were sons of Siegmund. A testimonial by his niece confirms his parents.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.