Emma Nehab

Poland, Schlesien, Landeshut
Diedca 1942
Poland, Treblinka extermination camp
FatherEmanuel Nehab (1836-37 – )
MotherBlume Rohmann (ca 1840 – )
PartnerArthur Gassmann (23.10.1872 – 14.02.1941)

Married 06.04.1897 Poland, Schlesien, Breslau


Image missing


Margarete Minna Gassmann (07.01.1898 – )


Lived in Breslau at Kronprinzenstrasse 29 in ca 1930 and listed there in the 1939 census.

Yad Vashem has a record relating to an Emma Gassmann geb. Nehab from Breslau, born 07.11.1870: Transport IX/1 from Breslau to Theresienstadt on 26.07.1942 and Transport Bq from Theresienstadt to Treblinka extermination camp on 23.09.1942.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

cbj.jhi.pl - address and date of birth (mis-transcribed as 11.11.1871, which is her sister Regina's date of birth);
mappingthelives.org - 1939 census;
Emma's marriage certificate: date and place of birth
Yad Vashem name search - Gassmann, Emma.

This record was last updated on 13.01.2024 at 20:23.