Walter Adolf Wolff

Poland, Schlesien, Brockau (Breslau)
Germany, Weimar, Buchenwald concentration camp
FatherSalomon Wolff (29.04.1868 – )
MotherRosa Nothmann (30.12.1873 – 28.03.1930)
PartnerInge-Luise Boehm (05.02.1914 – )

Married 04.07.1936 Germany, Berlin, Schoeneberg


Image missing

Divorced 28.10.1942.


Image missing
Death certificate

His death certificate, written long after the event, places his birth in Brockau, Vogtland. I believe this is an error, as his father is listed in the Breslau synagogue community address list (ca 1930) in Brockau (Breslau). This is confirmed by his 1936 marriage certifcate, which gives his place of birth as "Brockau, Kreis Breslau".

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.