Eva Freund

Poland, Schlesien, Breslau
FatherDavid Freund (29.03.1867 – 12.07.1935)
MotherMartha Nothmann (13.09.1872 – )


Mara Thorson gives dob 1930, but her mother would have been in her late 50s. Her birth certificate confirms she was born in 1905.

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Image missing
Birth certificates (original and copy)

A note on her original birth certificate says that she married in Breslau in 1926, Breslau IV certificate number 1051/1926.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mara Thorson;
Thanks to Helen B (21/04/2018) for pointing me to her birth certificate.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.