Frieda (Edith) Freund

Poland, Schlesien, Beuthen
Diedca 1944
Poland, Auschwitz concentration camp
FatherDavid Freund (29.03.1867 – 12.07.1935)
MotherMartha Nothmann (13.09.1872 – )


The oldest daughter.

Image missing
Frieda's birth certificate

A nurse at the Israelitischen Kranken-Verpflegungs-Anstalt und Beerdigungs-Gesellschaft in Breslau in Breslau from 1924.

Correspondence in her IKVA file names her initially as Frieda but from soon after her appointment she is referred to as Edith. A note about her trip to Bad Johannesbad (in the company of fellow nurse Erna (Eva) Nothmann, refers to her as "Sister Frieda Freund known as Sister Edith".

An unmarried Frieda Freund, born on 22.09.1895 and described as a dentist, was living in Breslau at Breitestrasse 4/5 in ca 1930. However, she is living with a Dorothea Freund geb. Kempe, born in 1863, and JRI-Poland records the birth of a Frieda Freund in 1895 to Salo and Sara Kempe, so I conclude that this is not David's daughter but a namesake.

Deported from Berlin to Theresienstadt concentration camp on 17.05.1943 and thence to [Auschwitz concentration camp] on 19.10.1944, where she was murdered.

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mara Thorson - parents' names; - personal file from Israelitischen Kranken-Verpflegungs-Anstalt und Beerdigungs-Gesellschaft in Breslau; - application letter naming her father and giving her place and year of birth; - address, date of birth and occupation in ca 1930 of a namesake; and following pages - correspondence about the death of her sister Erna in mid November 1926; - pseudonym Edith; - nursing examination results, October 1926.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.