Bernhard Hadra

Poland, Schlesien, Tost
USA, New York, New York City
FatherMax Hadra (1841 – 30.12.1886)
MotherTherese Aschmann (ca 1840 – )
PartnerErnestine Staub (09.01.1871 – 13.12.1947)

Married 23.02.1891 Poland, Schlesien, Myslowitz


Mara Thorson; certificate no. 21/1891.


Max Hadra (08.01.1892 – 23.02.1986)

Hertha Hadra (16.05.1893 – 07.12.1988)

Ilse Hadra (12.12.1894 – --.11.1968)

Herbert Hermann Hadra (14.02.1903 – --.04.1979)


A Bernard Hadra of Gross Strehlitz reported the death of his father Max, son of Bernhard, in 1886. I assume this is the same Bernhard Hadra as the one whose first son, born in Gross Strehlitz a few years later, was named Max.

According to Mara Thorson, Bernhard and Ernestine emigrated to the USA in October 1938. However, they are listed with Hertha and Ilse in the 1939 census of Berlin at Martin-Luther-Strasse 83. A passenger list shows that Bernhard, Ernestine, Hertha and Ilse emigrated to the USA in 1940, staying initially with Max who had settled in New York City earlier.

Image missing
List of Jewish departures from
Gross Strehlitz since 1933,
photo: Małgorzata Płoszaj
Image missing
1940 passenger list

Sources (click here for generic source information)

Mara Thorson; - parents. - 1939 census: Ernestine; - 1939 census: Bernhard.

This record was last updated on 01.06.2024 at 20:47.