Anneliese Staub

Germany, Berlin
USA, Minnesota, Northfield
FatherLudwig Staub (17.07.1886 – 05.08.1944)
MotherErna Olga Luise Zitzke (16.09.1889 – 24.01.1981)
PartnerGerald Howard Thorson (08.06.1921 – 07.01.2001)

Married 27.12.1953 USA, Minnesota, Northfield, St Olaf College, Boe Memorial Chapel



Mara Thorson (ca 1955 – )


Erna and her surviving children are listed in the 1939 census of Dresden at Gabelsbergerstrasse 15,II. Erna and Ludwig had divorced some 6 years earlier and Ludwig had already emigrated to the USA by this time.

Mara Thorson writes: Landed in US on January, 24, 1947 on the Marine Marlin from Bremerhaven

Sources (click here for generic source information)

This record was last updated on 27.05.2024 at 20:30.